Sep 11, 2020 | All, Devotions
The best part of my day is when my husband comes home. When I’m home all day with our 3 boys we are all excited for Daddy to walk through the door at approximately 5:30. When the boys hear the garage door open the come running to the mud room shouting, “Daddy’s home”...
Sep 11, 2020 | All, Devotions
Everyone has done it. It happened to me yesterday. You are going about your day, minding your own business and you inadvertently knock over a glass! Don’t you hate that? Not only is it embarrassing, but it makes a huge mess! Everything that was inside the glass spills...
Sep 12, 2017 | All, Devotions
I’m the mom of a 1-year-old baby boy. My extraordinary son Cohen happens to live with Down syndrome. Most days I stare at my little boy and think he is the most beautiful being on the planet. Isn’t that the belief of every parent? I think we’re supposed to think our...