Never Ending Laundry

Never Ending Laundry

I saw a meme that I will never forget. It said this:“You know who is always there for you? LAUNDRY. Laundry is always there for you.” As the Mom of 3 boys, I do not believe there is a more true statement. As I type this I have an entire air hockey/ping pong table in...
Never Ending Laundry

Bitter or Better

Bad things happen. We can count on it. I wish they didn’t but they do. Jesus even tells us so, John 16:33“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” In this world,...
Never Ending Laundry

The Joy Bus

If you haven’t seen it yet, we hope you will! What is it? The Joy Bus! Joy99/JoyWorship was gifted a bus! Yes, a bus. And we’re calling it the Joy Bus!The vision of the Joy Bus is to partner with West Michigan churches, non-profits and individuals in helping spread...
Never Ending Laundry

Prayer for 2021

A friend of mine shared the most beautiful prayer for 2021 with me in the form of a song. I found it so moving I want to share it with you. You can listen to the song below! Here are the words. I hope it blesses you as much as it has blessed me! An Epiphany Prayer for...
Never Ending Laundry

Nothing New Under the Sun

Ok. I’m going to be brutally honest here. Some times I get writer’s block. From week to week I jot down things that the Lord is showing me that I think might be beneficial to others. God always is revealing Godself. I just need to pay attention! Some times God speaks...
Never Ending Laundry


When I asked the Lord for a word on which to focus for 2021, I felt like God gave me the word PATIENCE. I can see how focusing on PATIENCE is actually God calling me to the next phase of my journey with him following last year’s focus of not being easily angered. As I...