Worship involves the surrendering of our lives to God! True worship is based on a desire to honor God. It requires a personal revelation of God as found in scripture.
“I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1
When we come before our perfect and holy God we surrender who and what we are before God! We declare that God is worthy and we are not. We say that God’s will and ways are higher than ours and we are yielding to God’s plan. We essentially raise our hands and wave a white flag of surrender saying that God is the one who has “won” over all creation and our hearts!
There is something so beautiful about surrendering before God. I love the feeling of being small and knowing that God is so big! This doesn’t make me feel powerless; rather it makes me feel protected. This doesn’t make me feel insignificant, it brings me freedom. We were created to have our perfect loving God care for us and we experience that through our surrender.
We must learn to remove our worries, our opinion, our questions, our preferences and ourselves so that we may worship God with appropriate honor. This requires letting go! Worship is not based on our personal priorities. The focus of worship must always be God.
What is God asking you to surrender to God today? Are you holding back a portion of your life from God? Your body? Your time? Your finances? Ask God to give you the desire and the strength to surrender everything to God!