The holiday season of 2020 is different. Christmas parties are cancelled. There are no Santa visits available at the mall. Carolers aren’t allowed in nursing homes. Many family members will not travel to see loved ones.
Christmas 2020 doesn’t meet our expectations for a traditional Christmas. Actually, it is ok to grieve that. When there is a gap between expectation and reality the result is disappointment, frustration, longing, anger, etc. God knows our feelings, our hopes, our desires, and they certainly don’t rattle God.
I was reflecting today on what God asks us to do when things are different than we expect. Let’s be honest, this happens a lot throughout scripture AND our personal lives! Think of any person in the bible. They often walked a journey that was different than expected. What did God ask of them?
God always invites humanity to TRUST him.
If you search for “scriptures about trusting God,” countless verses appear! Perhaps one of the most famous is Proverbs 3:5-6,
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.
When we are disappointed… God asks us to TRUST.
When we are afraid… God asks us to TRUST.
When we are angry… God asks us to TRUST.
When things are different than we except…God asks us to TRUST.
What area of your life is God inviting you to a deeper level of trust? What makes trusting God challenging for you? What helps you trust God even more?