I love to sleep. I always have. If there was an Olympic metal in napping, I’d earn the gold!
As a busy Mom, I will admit, there is nothing like a good nap. They are often few and far between these days! I believe that God wants us to honor our physical bodies by taking good care of them. One way to do that is through sleep.
However, far beyond physical rest, only the Lord can provide us with spiritual rest for our soul.
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 2 Corinthians 4:16
What does spiritual rest feel like? I’d describe it as a peace deep down in your being! Spiritual rest is knowing and believing that no matter what happens, God has you!
Have you experienced this? Do you feel that Jesus has provided you with this rest? Experiencing this type of rest requires surrender and trust. Are you able to do that? Ask God to give you his yoke in order that you might learn from him and find rest for your soul!